Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Winners Are . . .

We had a great time at our Scary Story contest event on October 23. We read the winning stories, handed out prizes, and ate great food. Here are the winners in all categories:

1st place: Kate Ropp
2nd place: Tian Heinle
Hon Men. Kyungtae Min
Hon Men. Carter Eidem

1st place: Elise Becker
2nd place: Jackie Lin
Hon Men. Kassidy Rumbolz
Hon Men. Sophie Hogan

1st place: Grace Timmerman
2nd place: Maria Snell-Feikema
Hon Men: Dulcie Hansen

1st place: Camille Lynn
2nd place: Zarin Rahman
Hon men: Tess Owens

1st place: Barb Fourney
2nd place: Brennden Flynn

Congratulations to all the winners!


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Scary stories galore!

Friday evening (October 23) is our Scary Story event when the winners of our Scary Story writing contest are announced and their stories read. It's a spooky time that starts at 7:00. Costumes are encouraged and there will be spooky food. Join us for the fun. Here's a picture from a past event.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Puppet show Thursday: Watch out for T-Rex

The Brookings Public Library Puppeteers present T-Rex Trick or Treats on Thursday, October 22 at 7:00 pm. Imagine what it might be like to find a T-Rex at your front door on Halloween night!

Join in the fun in the Cooper Room. Great for all ages.


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Congratulations, Katherine!

Congratulations to Katherine Eberline, Children’s Services Coordinator, who was selected as the 2009 New Librarian of the Year by the South Dakota Library Association. Be sure to congratulate her the next time you see her.

She was cited for her exceptional programming, community involvement, and spirit of enthusiasm for her work. Always eager to help children in any way possible, she relates well to young people, caregivers, and others, resulting in a very successful year-around program.

Children participating in the Library’s summer reading program the past few years will recall the colorful hairstyles she has worn as a result of young people meeting registration goals. This year's colors are evident in the photo as she receives her award.

Katherine has been the Children’s Services Coordinator at the Library for six years and it's been great fun.


Thursday, October 01, 2009

Books, books, books! (and other stuff)

The Friends of the Library are holding their first fall booksale Oct 2-4 in the Cooper Room. Most items are $1-$2. Sunday is $2 per bag (standard plastic grocery bag).

Lots of great books and AV for everyone.
